Add Ghosts to photos in your Gallery as prank and share them with Friends through Email, Facebook, Twitter and other photo services.
Different Types of Ghosts can be added to prank friends. Take any picture and add ghosts to the picture and post it on friends Facebook or email them or post it in any forum and scare people off.
Added Facebook support. Now you can use your or yours friends Facebook photo's to create a Ghost Prank.
1. Select any Photo from Gallery Or take a new Photo or Pick up a photo from your facebook photos or your friends facebook photo's
2. Add different Ghosts from a range of selection of Ghosts including scary ghosts, Dracula, Witch.
3. Move the Ghosts in photo by dragging them around.
4. Add transparency for ghost images, re size them, rotate them by setting tapping on Ghost to make ghosts look more real (Click on Ghost).
5. Save the Images to SD Card.
6. Share images with ghosts using email, Facebook etc.
This is a Ghost in the Photo Creator. You can make Ghost in the Wire, Ghost in the shell or ghost in the mirror with this app.
New Ghosts including Dracula, Witches, Egyptian Mummy and more are available. Add Ghosts to your photos and fool your friends where their Ghost Detector, Ghost Radar and EMD Reader cannot find any ghosts.
Halloween Special. Scare your friends this Halloween with Ghost Prank. Show the Scary Ghost Pictures with a scary sound in the background and its guaranteed that your friends will be scared. Best Scary Game if you want to scare your friends and Prank them.